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                    Perception or Concept

A human body is a delicate instrument, and to an individual, the worls is divided into two parts, at the bondary of the human instrument,inside and outside.

We have sensors of light, air sound, touching, smelling, thermo, tast. We have memory and a computor, which is not working on a binary mechanism. 

Perception happens between the sensors,memory and computor. We put all the sensor signals into a related context to form a perception. We are mutual outsiders, which means we perceive each other and do not perceive anything exactly the same way, some have stronger signals. But The raw material is not the same. That dose not mean you can not know the same truth just because the input is different. Sometimes we still seem to feel similarly.

When dreaming we feel seeing something with our eyes closed. How can we sense the dreaming image with the sensor closed to outside. Is the eye retina a TV sreen to play a dream image? Do the eyeless have a dream? Are all our sensors involved in the feeling of a dream?

A dream is not real, like a movie is not real. A car running in the movie is not a real car, it is virtual, our minds interpret the movie as if real, but sensing the real car running is different in many ways from watching a movie. There are a lot of things left out, for example, the light spectrum is not the same, image distortion, etc. even though they look alike.

Planning is a lucid dream. But I would like to call it to imagine or visionise before the plan realizes.

What about concepts and meanings or perceptions of words? Do they relate to any form of energy? By-objects at most.

The specific measurement of nature, time,  is man-made concept. All concepts are human creatures.

But in order to reflect the essence of nature, we need concepts to describe, concepts are man-defined, but nature is not. As a man can choose his way to paint a picture of nature, the angle of observation, scope of view, the focus, way of comparison, etc, but that dose not mean that nature dose not exist just because a man choose a specific way to paint it.

 So a good question should ask if the concept of time reflects the nature of nature, rather than if the concept is man-made or exists or not. Concepts are snapshots of nature like movie pictures, if we link them systemtically, we percieve the cause of nature. 

So perceptions or concepts are the qualities or properties of nature, the qualities that are revealed to our distinction and detection. We describe a object or a set of objects with concepts to compare ,link and categorize. But it is often regarded as subjective. 

So the definition of a concept or perception is a sketch of nature or any object.

The sketch can be done like a picture, that is a visionary image. By concept,  we refer to properties knitted up or netted up in a particular manner, say logically or some weird combination. But more useful is the concept with logics behind and have sole and clear parallel in the outside reality.

Perception resembles reality, but it is not the same as reality. So we can play the image of lovers inside without the real person presents.

So a concept is more like a digital image of reality and perception is like a simulation image.

The tools or materials of sketching can be a paper and pencil, or a camera and film picture, or a digital data in a computor, or memory in a brain.

Now we have a dual pair, the object or thing being perceived and the perceiver. Without the perceiver, dose the perceived exist? Which one comes first? Dose the perceiver know the whole truth about the perceived?

The perceiver just know what has been revealed to it, so can hardly know the whole picture. If the two are of the same origin,logically, the perceived came first, at least no later than the perceiver.

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